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What do the states of my Sanctuary mean (pre-enabled, enabled, watchdog expired, etc)?
- PRE_ENABLED: your Sanctuary has started, but it’s state hasn’t propagated throughout the entire network. If everything is fine it’s state will change to ‘ENABLED’ in a couple of hours.
- ENABLED: your Sanctuary is running and in good condition.
- WATCHDOG_EXPIRED: be sure you’ve enabled watchdog. You can find a guide here.
- EXPIRED: your Sanctuary can’t be found by the network anymore. Please make sure your Sanctuary-wallet is online and running okay (you can check the status of your Sanctuary by using the following command in your Sanctuary-wallet: “./biblepay-cli masternode status”.
- NEW_START_REQUIRED: your Sanctuary needs to be restarted. You can do that from your controller-wallet. Go to the ‘Sanctuaries’ tab, right click on the expired Sanctuary, and select ‘Start-alias’.